Posts in Lifestyle
A place you go to seek inspiration
5 Ways to Motivate Yourself
A List of Ways to Relax for Mental Health Awareness Month
Writing and Nature
Fictional Love Stories With Tragic Endings
A Q&A on Seasons and the Senses
What are your top three favorite shows of all time?
Which FRIENDS character are you and why?
Does the perfect book exist?
Do you have a writing plan for the new year ahead?
What will you take with you from your twenties into your thirties?
What's in your bag and what does it say about you?
How many tattoos do you have, what do they mean, and are they all about writing?
If you weren't a writer what would you be?
What are some of your favorite quotes?
What's your Myers-Briggs type indicator and what does it say about you?
When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
How do you handle people being unsupportive or even dissing your art?